Or will they?
As a professional appointment setter, this afternoon has been a very interesting spectacle. I write this sat in the sun at my big boy’s school (age 9). It’s the annual year 6 football tournament. Yesterday, one of the schools dropped out. The school decided to put together a team of the younger kids, my lad (future pro, two great feet, very technical and all that!) was beyond excited to be playing against teams two years ahead of them. Without labouring the point, none of other 4 schools turned up.
“But we rang them”, “we left a message”, “we sent a message home with someone who’s mum is a teacher, they said they’d be here”…
I’m trying to be supportive and I’m genuinely disappointed for the boys and equally for the teacher (who to be fair, is a legend). However, I’m finding it hard not to shake my head and mutter…
Rather than being grumpy, I thought while I’m sat in the sun, it might be a good idea to write a quick HOW TO guide to mitigating the risk of a “no show”.
Seem pretty obvious right? You’d think so. Ok one quick caveat, we’re dealing with people and sometimes things happen very very occasionally there could be a crisis on the day or they are just beyond rude!
We sometimes debate number 4. Some people say, it gives them an opportunity to back out. I say good. If they back out then the trip wasn’t worth it. Doesn’t mean it’s time to close the opportunity but it’s clearly not sales ready. Depending on the circumstance, it either needs to be closed, rearranged or goes into a nurture programme.
My view, this is the most important, (that is to say,t he most important point and not that my view is the most important). Each touch point, each interaction with you and your brand either guides your prospect closer to being a customer or qualifies them out of the running.
Back to the football.
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